+ /******************* weak-reference support *********************/
+ // call locked if necessary
+ private T locked(T)(in T delegate() code)
+ {
+ if (thread_needLock)
+ synchronized(gcLock) return code();
+ else
+ return code();
+ }
+ private struct WeakPointer
+ {
+ Object reference;
+ void ondestroy(Object r)
+ {
+ assert(r is reference);
+ // lock for memory consistency (parallel readers)
+ // also ensures that weakpointerDestroy can be called while another
+ // thread is freeing the reference with "delete"
+ locked!(void)({ reference = null; });
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a weak pointer to the given object.
+ * Returns a pointer to an opaque struct allocated in C memory.
+ */
+ void* weakpointerCreate( Object r )
+ {
+ if (r)
+ {
+ // must be allocated in C memory
+ // 1. to hide the reference from the GC
+ // 2. the GC doesn't scan delegates added by rt_attachDisposeEvent
+ // for references
+ auto wp = cast(WeakPointer*)(libc.malloc(WeakPointer.sizeof));
+ if (!wp)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ wp.reference = r;
+ rt_attachDisposeEvent(r, &wp.ondestroy);
+ return wp;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy a weak pointer returned by weakpointerCreate().
+ * If null is passed, nothing happens.
+ */
+ void weakpointerDestroy( void* p )
+ {
+ if (p)
+ {
+ auto wp = cast(WeakPointer*)p;
+ // must be extra careful about the GC or parallel threads
+ // finalizing the reference at the same time
+ locked!(void)({
+ if (wp.reference)
+ rt_detachDisposeEvent(wp.reference, &wp.ondestroy);
+ });
+ .free(wp);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Query a weak pointer and return either the object passed to
+ * weakpointerCreate, or null if it was free'd in the meantime.
+ * If null is passed, null is returned.
+ */
+ Object weakpointerGet( void* p )
+ {
+ if (p)
+ {
+ // NOTE: could avoid the lock by using Fawzi style GC counters but
+ // that'd require core.sync.Atomic and lots of care about memory
+ // consistency it's an optional optimization see
+ // http://dsource.org/projects/tango/browser/trunk/user/tango/core/Lifetime.d?rev=5100#L158
+ return locked!(Object)({
+ return (cast(WeakPointer*)p).reference;
+ });
+ }
+ }