4 set term postscript eps monochrome size 10,7 "Helvetica" 20
8 set multiplot title "Collections for @@PRG@@ (@@COL@@ collector)"
11 set xtics offset 0,graph 1.07
12 #set xtics textcolor rgb 'white'
17 set grid xtics ytics mxtics
20 set style fill solid noborder
23 set lmargin at screen 0.10
24 set rmargin at screen 0.98
25 set bmargin at screen 0.40
26 set tmargin at screen 0.88
29 set key reverse Left center at screen 0.5,0.92 horizontal
32 set ylabel "Space (KiB)"
33 set label 1 "After collection" at graph 0.02,0.03 left
34 set label 2 "Before collection" at graph 0.02,0.97 left
38 black = "lc rgb 'black'"
39 dgray = "lc rgb 'gray40'"
40 lgray = "lc rgb 'gray70'"
41 white = "lc rgb 'gray90'"
44 set datafile separator ','
46 using 1:(($5+$6+$7+$8)/1024) title 'Overhead' with boxes @black, \
47 '' using 1:(($5+$6+$7)/1024) title 'Wasted' with boxes @lgray, \
48 '' using 1:(($5+$6)/1024) title 'Free' with boxes @dgray, \
49 '' using 1:($5/1024) title 'Used' with boxes @white, \
50 '' using 1:((-$9-$10-$11-$12)/1024) notitle with boxes @black, \
51 '' using 1:((-$9-$10-$11)/1024) notitle with boxes @lgray, \
52 '' using 1:((-$9-$10)/1024) notitle with boxes @dgray, \
53 '' using 1:(-$9/1024) notitle with boxes @white, \
54 0 notitle with lines @black
58 # Lower plot 2 (space)
59 set bmargin at screen 0.10
60 set tmargin at screen 0.40
63 set key reverse Left center bmargin horizontal
66 set ylabel "Time (seconds)"
67 set xlabel "Program run time (seconds)"
77 black = "lc rgb 'black'"
78 gray = "lc rgb 'gray40'"
79 white = "lc rgb 'gray80'"
82 set datafile separator ','
84 using 1:2 title 'Malloc' with boxes @black, \
85 '' using 1:3 title 'Collect' with boxes @gray, \
86 '' using 1:4 title 'Stop the word' with boxes @white