3 args_voronoi="-n 30000"
5 args_split="micro/bible.txt 2"
6 args_em3d="-n 4000 -d 300 -i 74"
8 # Using up to -c 1048575 takes ~2.5s (and uses ~256KiB),
9 # using -c 1048576 takes ~9s (and uses ~512KiB)
11 # Same as tsp but the limit is between 209000 and 2100000,
12 # the memory usage and time doubles (from ~3s/~128KiB to ~6s/256KiB)
13 args_bisort="-s 2000000"
15 tango_files=`find ../tango/tango -name '*.d' -o -name '*.di' | grep -v invariant`
16 args_dil="ddoc /tmp/tangodoc -hl --kandil -version=Tango -version=TangoDoc"
17 args_dil="$args_dil -version=Posix -version=linux $tango_files"
19 NAMES=${NAMES:-`echo ./micro/*.d | xargs -n1 sh -c 'basename $0 .d'` dil}
23 mkdir -p ./build/$gc/mempat
25 make -srj4 micro-gc-build dil-gc-build
28 prog="./build/$gc/bin/$name"
29 log="/tmp/$name.malloc.csv"
30 dst_txt="./build/$gc/mempat/$name.txt"
31 dst_tsv="./build/$gc/mempat/$name.tsv"
32 eval "args=\"\$args_$name\""
34 test ${#args} -gt 40 &&
35 pa="`echo $args | cut -b1-40`..."
36 echo -n " RUN $name $pa"
37 D_GC_OPTS=malloc_stats_file=$log $prog $args > /dev/null
39 echo -n " MEMPAT $dst_txt"
40 ./mempat.py $log > $dst_txt
42 echo -n " MEMPAT $dst_tsv"
43 ./mempat-tsv.py $log > $dst_tsv