Now the script can take an arbitrary (optional) expression as the first
argument to parse the input file, using a separator (taken as the third
argument) and field specification for the expression, using $1 for the
first field, $2 for the second, etc. (similar to AWK). As second argument
the script takes the output format, in Python format specification, with
keys: min, max, mean, and std.
The defaults are '$1' for the first argument (expression to parse as
input), '%(min)s,%(mean)s,%(max)s,%(std)s' as output format and ',' as
input separator. This defaults match the old behaviour.
#!/usr/bin/env python
+import re
import sys
import numpy.numarray.mlab as m
+exp = '$1'
+fmt = '%(min)s,%(mean)s,%(max)s,%(std)s'
+sep = ','
+ exp = sys.argv[1]
+ fmt = sys.argv[2]
+ sep = sys.argv[3]
+ pass
vals = []
-for l in sys.stdin:
+for n, l in enumerate(sys.stdin):
l = l.strip()
- if l:
- vals.append(float(l))
-print '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (min(vals), m.mean(vals), max(vals), m.std(vals))
+ if not l:
+ continue
+ try:
+ fields = dict([('$'+str(int(k)+1), float(v.strip()))
+ for k, v in enumerate(l.split(sep))])
+ v = float(eval(re.sub(r'(\$\d+)', r'%(\1)f', exp) % fields))
+ except:
+ if n == 0:
+ continue
+ raise
+ vals.append(v)
+vars = dict(min=min(vals), mean=m.mean(vals), max=max(vals), std=m.std(vals))
+print fmt % vars