This scripts were used to generate the results presented in the document.
--- /dev/null
+# Terminal
+set term postscript eps monochrome solid size 4.90cm,7cm 17
+set output "/tmp/output.eps"
+# Style
+set style histogram rows title offset character 2, 0.25, 0
+set style fill solid 1.00 border -1
+set style data histograms
+set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror rotate by -45
+set boxwidth 0.6
+set lmargin at screen 0.19
+#set lmargin at screen 0.17
+#set lmargin at screen 0.15
+#set lmargin at screen 0.12
+set rmargin at screen 0.975
+unset key
+#set xtics font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf,9"
+# Title
+#set title "TituloN=${n}$ ${cpus}$ CPU${'s' if cpus > 1 else ''}$"
+# Data format
+set datafile separator ','
+# Labels
+#set ylabel "Tiempo (seg)"
+#set xlabel font "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arial.ttf,9"
+# Plot
+plot '/tmp/input.csv' \
+ using 2:xtic(1) title "min" \
+ lc rgb 'black', \
+ '' using (abs($3-$2-$5)) notitle \
+ lc rgb 'white', \
+ '' using ($5) title "med+/-desv" \
+ lc rgb 'gray60', \
+ '' using ($5) notitle \
+ lc rgb 'gray60', \
+ '' using (abs($4-$3-$5)) title "max" \
+ lc rgb 'white'
--- /dev/null
+for CPUS in 1 2 4; do
+ for name in `echo ./micro/*.d | xargs -n1 sh -c 'basename $0 .d'` dil
+ do
+ dst=../informe/source/plots/mem-$name-${CPUS}cpu.pdf
+ src=./results/to-plot/collect-mem-$name-${CPUS}cpu.csv
+ echo " PLOT $dst"
+ cp "$src" /tmp/input.csv &&
+ gnuplot p.gpi &&
+ epstopdf /tmp/output.eps &&
+ mv /tmp/output.pdf "$dst"
+ done
--- /dev/null
+. ./
+export N=${N:-20}
+FORMATS=${FORMATS:-png svg eps}
+NAMES=${NAMES:-`echo ./micro/*.d | xargs -n1 sh -c 'basename $0 .d'` dil}
+CPUS=${CPUS:-`grep '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`}
+#for opts in basic \
+#for opts in \
+# conservative=1:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+# conservative=0:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+# conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+# conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=0 \
+# conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=1 \
+# conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=1
+for min_free in 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
+ gc=cdgc
+ if [ "$opts" = "basic" ]
+ then
+ gc=basic
+ opts=""
+ else
+ export D_GC_OPTS="min_free=$min_free" #:collect_stats_file=$stats_file"
+ opts="-min_free=$min_free"
+ fi
+ #make -srj4 micro-gc-build dil-gc-build GC=$gc
+ for name in $NAMES
+ do
+ prog="./build/$gc/bin/$name"
+ dst="./results/min_free-timemem-$name-$gc${opts}-${CPUS}cpu"
+ dst="$dst.csv"
+ eval "args=\"\$args_$name\""
+ pa="$args"
+ test ${#args} -gt 40 &&
+ pa="`echo $args | cut -b1-40`..."
+ test $STRIP -eq 1 &&
+ strip $prog
+ echo -n " RUN $name $pa > $dst: "
+ echo "Run time (sec),Memory usage (KiB)" > $dst
+ for i in `seq $N`
+ do
+ test $(($i % 5)) -eq 0 &&
+ echo -n "$i" ||
+ echo -n "."
+ setarch i386 $ARCH \
+ $TIME -f'%e,%M' -a -o $dst \
+ $prog $args > /dev/null
+ #mv $stats_file $dst-$i.csv
+ done
+ echo
+ done
--- /dev/null
+. ./
+FORMATS=${FORMATS:-png svg eps}
+NAMES=${NAMES:-`echo ./micro/*.d | xargs -n1 sh -c 'basename $0 .d'` dil}
+GCS=${GCS:-basic cdgc-conservative=1:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0}
+CPUS=${CPUS:-`grep '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`}
+for CPUS in 1 2 4; do
+for name in $NAMES
+ dst=./results/to-plot/collect-stw-$name-${CPUS}cpu.csv
+ #if test -f $dst
+ #then
+ # echo "$NORUN" | grep -q "$name" &&
+ # continue
+ # test $PLOTONLY -eq 1 &&
+ # continue
+ # mv $dst ./build/time-$name-${CPUS}cpu-old.csv
+ #fi
+ echo -n > $dst
+ #for gc in basic \
+ for gc in \
+ cdgc-conservative=1:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+ cdgc-conservative=0:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+ cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0 \
+ cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=0 \
+ cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=1 \
+ cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=1
+ do
+ eval "factor=\"\$factor_$name\""
+ test -z "$factor" &&
+ factor=1
+ [ "$gc" = "basic" ] && pgc="tbgc"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=1:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0" ] && pgc="cons"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=0:fork=0:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0" ] && pgc="prec"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=0" ] && pgc="fork"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=0" ] && pgc="ecol"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=0:eager_alloc=1" ] && pgc="eall"
+ [ "$gc" = "cdgc-conservative=0:fork=1:early_collect=1:eager_alloc=1" ] && pgc="todo"
+ echo -n " STATS $name-$gc"
+ echo -n "$pgc," >> $dst
+ (
+ for f in results/raw-collect/collect-$name-$gc-${CPUS}cpu-*.csv;
+ do
+ grep -v -- -1 "$f" | ./ '$4' '%(max)f';
+ #echo $((`grep -v -- -1 "$f" | wc -l`-1))
+ done
+ ) | ./ >> $dst
+ echo " (`tail -n1 $dst | tr , ' '`) >> $dst"
+ done