--- /dev/null
+args_voronoi="-n 30000"
+args_split="micro/bible.txt 2"
+args_em3d="-n 4000 -d 300 -i 74"
+args_bh="-b 4000"
+# Using up to -c 1048575 takes ~2.5s (and uses ~256KiB),
+# using -c 1048576 takes ~9s (and uses ~512KiB)
+args_tsp="-c 1000000"
+# Same as tsp but the limit is between 209000 and 2100000,
+# the memory usage and time doubles (from ~3s/~128KiB to ~6s/256KiB)
+args_bisort="-s 2000000"
+tango_files=`find ../tango/tango -name '*.d' -o -name '*.di' | grep -v invariant`
+args_dil="ddoc /tmp/tangodoc -hl --kandil -version=Tango -version=TangoDoc"
+args_dil="$args_dil -version=Posix -version=linux $tango_files"
+NAMES=${NAMES:-`echo ./micro/*.d | xargs -n1 sh -c 'basename $0 .d'` dil}
+mkdir -p ./build/$gc/mempat
+make -srj4 micro-gc-build dil-gc-build
+for name in $NAMES
+ prog="./build/$gc/bin/$name"
+ log="/tmp/$name.malloc.csv"
+ dst_txt="./build/$gc/mempat/$name.txt"
+ dst_tsv="./build/$gc/mempat/$name.tsv"
+ eval "args=\"\$args_$name\""
+ pa="$args"
+ test ${#args} -gt 40 &&
+ pa="`echo $args | cut -b1-40`..."
+ echo -n " RUN $name $pa"
+ D_GC_OPTS=malloc_stats_file=$log $prog $args > /dev/null
+ echo
+ echo -n " MEMPAT $dst_txt"
+ ./mempat.py $log > $dst_txt
+ echo
+ echo -n " MEMPAT $dst_tsv"
+ ./mempat-tsv.py $log > $dst_tsv
+ echo
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy
+SIZE = 3
+NO_SCAN = 6
+KiB = 2**10
+MiB = 2**20
+GiB = 2**30
+bytes_suffix = {
+ KiB: 'KiB',
+ MiB: 'MiB',
+ GiB: 'GiB',
+# 16 32 ... 2048 4096
+bins = [1 << n for n in range(4, 13)]
+class Info:
+ pass
+def p(msg='', *args):
+ print msg % args
+def num(n):
+ return str(n)
+def percent(n, total):
+ return '%f' % (float(n) / total * 100)
+def bytes(n):
+ return str(n)
+f = file(sys.argv[1])
+f.readline() # ignore headers
+sizes = list()
+sizes_ti = list()
+size_freq = dict()
+size_freq_ti = dict()
+for l in f:
+ d = l.split(',')
+ size = int(d[SIZE])
+ no_scan = bool(int(d[NO_SCAN]))
+ if no_scan:
+ sizes.append(size)
+ size_freq[size] = size_freq.get(size, 0) + 1
+ else:
+ sizes_ti.append(size)
+ size_freq_ti[size] = size_freq_ti.get(size, 0) + 1
+scan_c = len(sizes_ti)
+no_scan_c = len(sizes)
+total_c = scan_c + no_scan_c
+scan_b = sum(sizes_ti)
+no_scan_b = sum(sizes)
+total_b = scan_b + no_scan_b
+p('Number of objects')
+p('Scanned\tNot scanned\tTotal')
+p('%s\t%s\t%s', num(scan_c), num(no_scan_c), num(total_c))
+p('Scanned\tNot scanned\tTotal')
+p('%s\t%s\t%s', bytes(scan_b), bytes(no_scan_b), bytes(total_b))
+different_sizes_c = len(set(size_freq.keys()).union(size_freq_ti.keys()))
+p('Different object sizes')
+p('Objects requested')
+p('Bin Size\tNumber\tBytes')
+alloc_c = dict()
+n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bins[0]))
+alloc_c[bins[0]] = n
+p('%s\t%s\t%s', bins[0], num(n), bytes(b))
+n_prev = n
+b_prev = b
+for bin in bins[1:]:
+ n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bin))
+ n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ nn = n - n_prev
+ bb = b - b_prev
+ alloc_c[bin] = nn
+ p('%s\t%s\t%s', bin, num(nn), bytes(bb))
+ n_prev = n
+ b_prev = b
+n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+alloc_pplus_c = n
+p('>4096\t%s\t%s', num(n), bytes(b))
+def wasted_bin(start, end, extra=0):
+ w = 0
+ for i in range(start, end+1):
+ w += (end - i) * size_freq.get(i, 0)
+ if i <= (end - extra):
+ w += (end - i) * size_freq_ti.get(i, 0)
+ elif extra:
+ w += (2*end - i) * size_freq_ti.get(i, 0)
+ return w
+def wasted_pageplus(extra=0):
+ w = 0
+ for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems():
+ if size > 4096:
+ w += (size % 4096) * freq
+ for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems():
+ size += extra
+ if size > 4096:
+ w += (size % 4096 + extra) * freq
+ return w
+def print_wasted(mode, extra=0):
+ wasted = dict()
+ wasted[bins[0]] = wasted_bin(1, bins[0], extra)
+ for bin in bins[1:]:
+ wasted[bin] = wasted_bin(bin/2 + 1, bin, extra)
+ wasted_pplus = wasted_pageplus()
+ wasted_total = sum((w for w in wasted.values())) + wasted_pplus
+ alloc_total = total_b + wasted_total
+ p('Real allocated bytes for mode %s', mode)
+ p('Totals')
+ p('Requested\tWasted\tTotal')
+ p('%s\t%s\t%s', bytes(total_b), bytes(wasted_total), bytes(alloc_total))
+ p('Bin\tWasted')
+ p('%s\t%s', bins[0], bytes(wasted[bins[0]]))
+ for bin in bins[1:]:
+ p('%s\t%s', bin, bytes(wasted[bin]))
+ p('>4096\t%s', bytes(wasted_pplus))
+ p()
+print_wasted('Precise', 4)
+#print size_freq, size_freq_ti
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import numpy
+SIZE = 3
+NO_SCAN = 6
+KiB = 2**10
+MiB = 2**20
+GiB = 2**30
+bytes_suffix = {
+ KiB: 'KiB',
+ MiB: 'MiB',
+ GiB: 'GiB',
+# 16 32 ... 2048 4096
+bins = [1 << n for n in range(4, 13)]
+class Info:
+ pass
+def p(msg, *args):
+ print msg % args
+def num(n):
+ sn = str(n)
+ c = len(sn)
+ if c <= 3:
+ return sn
+ sep_pos = reversed(range(c-3, 0, -3))
+ return ','.join([sn[:c%3 or 3]] + [str(sn[i:i+3]) for i in sep_pos])
+def rm0(n):
+ s = '%.02f' % n
+ if s.endswith('00'):
+ return s[:-3]
+ if s.endswith('0'):
+ return s[:-1]
+ return s
+def percent(n, total):
+ return rm0(float(n) / total * 100) + '%'
+def bytes(n):
+ for mult in sorted(bytes_suffix.keys(), reverse=True):
+ if n >= mult:
+ return '%s bytes [%s%s]' % (num(n),
+ rm0(float(n) / mult),
+ bytes_suffix[mult])
+ return '%s bytes' % n
+f = file(sys.argv[1])
+f.readline() # ignore headers
+sizes = list()
+sizes_ti = list()
+size_freq = dict()
+size_freq_ti = dict()
+for l in f:
+ d = l.split(',')
+ size = int(d[SIZE])
+ no_scan = bool(int(d[NO_SCAN]))
+ if no_scan:
+ sizes.append(size)
+ size_freq[size] = size_freq.get(size, 0) + 1
+ else:
+ sizes_ti.append(size)
+ size_freq_ti[size] = size_freq_ti.get(size, 0) + 1
+scan_c = len(sizes_ti)
+no_scan_c = len(sizes)
+total_c = scan_c + no_scan_c
+scan_b = sum(sizes_ti)
+no_scan_b = sum(sizes)
+total_b = scan_b + no_scan_b
+p('Total requested: %s objecs, %s', num(total_c), bytes(total_b))
+p('\tScanned: %s (%s) objecs, %s (%s)', num(scan_c), percent(scan_c, total_c),
+ bytes(scan_b), percent(scan_b, total_b))
+p('\tNot scanned: %s (%s) objecs, %s (%s)', num(no_scan_c),
+ percent(no_scan_c, total_c), bytes(no_scan_b),
+ percent(no_scan_b, total_b))
+different_sizes_c = len(set(size_freq.keys()).union(size_freq_ti.keys()))
+p('Different object sizes: %s', num(different_sizes_c))
+p('Objects requested with a bin size of:')
+alloc_c = dict()
+n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bins[0]))
+b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bins[0]))
+alloc_c[bins[0]] = n
+if n:
+ p('\t%s bytes: %s (%s) objects, %s (%s)', bins[0], num(n),
+ percent(n, total_c), bytes(b), percent(b, total_b))
+n_prev = n
+b_prev = b
+for bin in bins[1:]:
+ n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size <= bin))
+ n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems()
+ if size <= bin))
+ nn = n - n_prev
+ bb = b - b_prev
+ alloc_c[bin] = nn
+ if nn:
+ p('\t%s bytes: %s (%s, %s cumulative) objects, '
+ '%s (%s, %s cumulative)', bin, num(nn),
+ percent(nn, total_c), percent(n, total_c),
+ bytes(bb), percent(bb, total_b),
+ percent(b, total_b))
+ n_prev = n
+ b_prev = b
+n = sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+n += sum((freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+b = sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+b += sum((size*freq for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems() if size > 4096))
+alloc_pplus_c = n
+if n:
+ p('\tmore than a page: %s (%s) objects, %s (%s)', num(n),
+ percent(n, total_c), bytes(b), percent(b, total_b))
+def wasted_bin(start, end, extra=0):
+ w = 0
+ for i in range(start, end+1):
+ w += (end - i) * size_freq.get(i, 0)
+ if i <= (end - extra):
+ w += (end - i) * size_freq_ti.get(i, 0)
+ elif extra:
+ w += (2*end - i) * size_freq_ti.get(i, 0)
+ return w
+def wasted_pageplus(extra=0):
+ w = 0
+ for size, freq in size_freq.iteritems():
+ if size > 4096:
+ w += (size % 4096) * freq
+ for size, freq in size_freq_ti.iteritems():
+ size += extra
+ if size > 4096:
+ w += (size % 4096 + extra) * freq
+ return w
+def print_wasted(mode, extra=0):
+ wasted = dict()
+ wasted[bins[0]] = wasted_bin(1, bins[0], extra)
+ for bin in bins[1:]:
+ wasted[bin] = wasted_bin(bin/2 + 1, bin, extra)
+ wasted_pplus = wasted_pageplus()
+ wasted_total = sum((w for w in wasted.values())) + wasted_pplus
+ alloc_total = wasted_total + total_b
+ p('%s mode:', mode)
+ p('\tTotal allocated: %s', bytes(alloc_total))
+ p('\tTotal wasted: %s, %s', bytes(wasted_total), percent(wasted_total,
+ alloc_total))
+ p('\tWasted due to objects that should use a bin of:')
+ if alloc_c[bins[0]]:
+ p('\t %s bytes: %s (%s)', bins[0], bytes(wasted[bins[0]]),
+ percent(wasted[bins[0]], wasted_total))
+ w_cumulative = wasted[bins[0]]
+ for bin in bins[1:]:
+ if wasted[bin] == 0 and alloc_c[bin] == 0:
+ continue
+ w_cumulative += wasted[bin]
+ p('\t %s bytes: %s (%s, %s cumulative)', bin,
+ bytes(wasted[bin]), percent(wasted[bin],
+ wasted_total), percent(w_cumulative,
+ wasted_total))
+ if alloc_pplus_c:
+ p('\t more than a page: %s (%s)', bytes(wasted_pplus),
+ percent(wasted_pplus, wasted_total))
+print_wasted('Precise', 4)
+#print size_freq, size_freq_ti