# Terminal
-set term postscript eps monochrome size 10,7 "Helvetica" 20
+set term postscript eps monochrome size 18cm,27cm 16
set output "@@OUT@@"
-# Labels
-set multiplot title "Collections for @@PRG@@ (@@COL@@ collector)"
+# Title
+set multiplot
+set label 1 "@@PRG@@ (@@COL@@ collector)" center at screen 0.5,0.987 \
+ font "Helvetiva,24"
+# Style Macros
+set macros
+black = "lc rgb 'black'"
+dgray = "lc rgb 'gray40'"
+lgray = "lc rgb 'gray70'"
+white = "lc rgb 'gray90'"
# Tics
-set xtics offset 0,graph 1.07
-#set xtics textcolor rgb 'white'
+set xtics offset 0,graph 1.05
set mxtics
set ytics mirror
set mytics
set autoscale xfixmax
-set grid xtics ytics mxtics
+set grid xtics ytics mxtics front lc rgb 'gray20'
# Style
set style fill solid noborder
-# Upper plot (space)
+# Data format
+set datafile separator ','
+# Margins
set lmargin at screen 0.10
-set rmargin at screen 0.98
-set bmargin at screen 0.40
-set tmargin at screen 0.88
+set rmargin at screen 0.90
+# Collection space plot (1)
+set bmargin at screen 0.62
+set tmargin at screen 0.96
# Reference
-set key reverse Left center at screen 0.5,0.92 horizontal
+set key reverse Left left top box horizontal
# Labels
-set ylabel "Space (KiB)"
-set label 1 "After collection" at graph 0.02,0.03 left
-set label 2 "Before collection" at graph 0.02,0.97 left
-# Macros
-set macros
-black = "lc rgb 'black'"
-dgray = "lc rgb 'gray40'"
-lgray = "lc rgb 'gray70'"
-white = "lc rgb 'gray90'"
+set ylabel "Space (KiB)" offset 1.5,0
+set y2label "Collections" offset 2.5,0
+set label 2 "After Collection" at graph 0.01,0.03 left
+set label 3 "Before Collection" at graph 0.01,0.93 left
# Plot
-set datafile separator ','
-plot '@@IN@@' \
+plot '@@INC@@' \
using 1:(($5+$6+$7+$8)/1024) title 'Overhead' with boxes @black, \
'' using 1:(($5+$6+$7)/1024) title 'Wasted' with boxes @lgray, \
'' using 1:(($5+$6)/1024) title 'Free' with boxes @dgray, \
'' using 1:((-$9-$10-$11-$12)/1024) notitle with boxes @black, \
'' using 1:((-$9-$10-$11)/1024) notitle with boxes @lgray, \
'' using 1:((-$9-$10)/1024) notitle with boxes @dgray, \
- '' using 1:(-$9/1024) notitle with boxes @white, \
- 0 notitle with lines @black
+ '' using 1:(-$9/1024) notitle with boxes @white
-# Lower plot 2 (space)
-set bmargin at screen 0.10
-set tmargin at screen 0.40
-# Reference
-set key reverse Left center bmargin horizontal
+# Collection time plot (2)
+set bmargin at screen 0.42
+set tmargin at screen 0.62
# Labels
set ylabel "Time (seconds)"
-set xlabel "Program run time (seconds)"
+set y2label "Collections"
unset label 1
unset label 2
+unset label 3
+# Tics
+set xtics format ""
+# Plot
+plot '@@INC@@' \
+ using 1:2 title 'Malloc' with boxes @black, \
+ '' using 1:3 title 'Collect' with boxes @dgray, \
+ '' using 1:4 title 'Stop the Word' with boxes @white
+# Allocation size/time plot (3)
+set bmargin at screen 0.22
+set tmargin at screen 0.42
+# Labels
+set ylabel "Allocation Size (KiB)"
+set y2label "Allocation Time (seconds)" offset -1.5,0
+set xlabel "Program Run Time (seconds)" offset 0,0.4
# Tics
unset xtics
-set xtics
+set xtics format "% g"
+set ytics nomirror
+set y2tics
+# Plot
+plot '@@INA@@' \
+ using 1:($3/1024) title 'Size' with points @black, \
+ '' using 1:2 title 'Time' with points @dgray axes x1y2
-# Macros
-set macros
-black = "lc rgb 'black'"
-gray = "lc rgb 'gray40'"
-white = "lc rgb 'gray80'"
+# Allocation histogram plot (4)
+set bmargin at screen 0.04
+set tmargin at screen 0.18
+# Histogram settings
+set style data histograms
+set style histogram rowstacked
+set style fill solid 1.0 border -1
+set boxwidth 0.75
+# Reference
+set key left at graph 0,1.085
+# Labels
+set ylabel "Number of Allocations" offset 1.6,0
+set y2label "Allocation Histogram" offset 2.5,0
+set xlabel "Size (bytes)" offset screen -0.45,screen 0.02
+# Tics
+unset xtics
+unset y2tics
+unset ymtics
+unset y2mtics
+set xtics scale 0 rotate by -45 (@@TICS@@) font "Helvetica,13"
+set ytics mirror
+set grid ytics noxtics back
# Plot
-set datafile separator ','
-plot '@@IN@@' \
- using 1:2 title 'Malloc' with boxes @black, \
- '' using 1:3 title 'Collect' with boxes @gray, \
- '' using 1:4 title 'Stop the word' with boxes @white
+plot '@@INH@@' \
+ using 2 title column @dgray, \
+ '' using 3 title column @lgray