+ * This module contains a minimal garbage collector implementation according to
+ * Tango requirements. This library is mostly intended to serve as an example,
+ * but it is usable in applications which do not rely on a garbage collector
+ * to clean up memory (ie. when dynamic array resizing is not used, and all
+ * memory allocated with 'new' is freed deterministically with 'delete').
+ *
+ * Please note that block attribute data must be tracked, or at a minimum, the
+ * FINALIZE bit must be tracked for any allocated memory block because calling
+ * rt_finalize on a non-object block can result in an access violation. In the
+ * allocator below, this tracking is done via a leading uint bitmask. A real
+ * allocator may do better to store this data separately, similar to the basic
+ * GC normally used by Tango.
+ *
+ * Copyright: Public Domain
+ * License: BOLA
+ * Authors: Leandro Lucarella
+ */
+module gc;
+private {
+ import cell: Cell, BlkAttr;
+ import list: List;
+ import dynarray: DynArray;
+ import arch: stack_smaller, push_registers, pop_registers;
+ import alloc: mem_alloc, mem_free;
+ import stdc = tango.stdc.stdlib;
+ import tango.stdc.string: memset, memcpy;
+ debug import tango.stdc.stdio: printf;
+ alias void delegate(void*, void*) mark_function;
+ extern (C) void onOutOfMemoryError();
+ extern (C) void rt_finalize(void* p, bool det=true);
+ extern (C) void rt_scanStaticData(mark_function mark);
+ extern (C) void thread_init();
+ extern (C) bool thread_needLock();
+ extern (C) void thread_suspendAll();
+ extern (C) void thread_resumeAll();
+ extern (C) void thread_scanAll(mark_function mark, void* stack_top=null);
+ struct RootRange
+ {
+ void* from;
+ void* to;
+ int opApply(int delegate(ref void*) dg)
+ {
+ int result = 0;
+ auto from = cast(void**) this.from;
+ auto to = cast(void**) this.to;
+ // TODO: alignment. The range should be aligned and the size
+ // should be a multiple of the word size. If the later does
+ // not hold, the last bytes that are not enough to build
+ // a complete word should be ignored. Right now we are
+ // doing invalid reads in that cases.
+ for (void** current = from; current < to; current++) {
+ result = dg(*current);
+ if (result)
+ break;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+struct BlkInfo
+ void* base;
+ size_t size;
+ uint attr;
+// TODO: ver bien donde desmarkcar/marcar celdas (probablemente en malloc)
+struct NaiveGC
+ List free_list;
+ List live_list;
+ DynArray!(void*) root_pointers;
+ DynArray!(RootRange) root_ranges;
+ uint enabled;
+ void unmark()
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.unmark()\n");
+ foreach (cell; this.live_list)
+ cell.marked = false;
+ }
+ void mark_all()
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark_all()\n");
+ void* stack_top;
+ mixin (push_registers("stack_top"));
+ thread_suspendAll();
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark_all() - scanning static data\n");
+ rt_scanStaticData(&mark_range);
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark_all() - scanning threads stack\n");
+ thread_scanAll(&mark_range, stack_top);
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark_all() - scanning root pointers:");
+ foreach (ptr; this.root_pointers) {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf(" %p", ptr);
+ this.mark(ptr);
+ }
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("\ngc.mark_all() - scanning root ranges:");
+ foreach (range; this.root_ranges) {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf(" %p-%p", range.from, range.to);
+ this.mark_range(range.from, range.to);
+ }
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("\n");
+ thread_resumeAll();
+ mixin (pop_registers("stack_top"));
+ }
+ void mark_range(void* from, void* to)
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark_range(%p, %p)\n", from, to);
+ foreach (ptr; RootRange(from, to))
+ mark(ptr);
+ }
+ void mark(void* ptr)
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect_extra)
+ printf("gc.mark(%p)\n", ptr);
+ Cell* cell = Cell.from_ptr(this.addrOf(ptr));
+ if (cell is null)
+ return;
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark() - %p cell=%p\n", cell.ptr, cell);
+ if (!cell.marked) {
+ cell.marked = true;
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf("gc.mark() - cell=%p marked\n", cell);
+ if (cell.has_pointers) {
+ foreach (ptr; *cell)
+ mark(ptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void sweep()
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect) {
+ printf("gc.sweep()\n\tfree:");
+ foreach (cell; this.free_list)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ printf("\n\tlive:");
+ foreach (cell; this.live_list)
+ printf(" %s%p", cell.marked ? "*\0".ptr : "\0".ptr, cell);
+ printf("\n\tfreed:");
+ }
+ foreach (cell; this.live_list) {
+ if (!cell.marked) {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ this.live_list.unlink(cell);
+ if (cell.finalize())
+ rt_finalize(cell.ptr, false);
+ this.free_list.link(cell);
+ }
+ }
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect) {
+ printf("\n\tfree:");
+ foreach (cell; this.free_list)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ printf("\n\tlive:");
+ foreach (cell; this.live_list)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ // NOTE: The GC must initialize the thread library before its first
+ // collection, and always before returning from gc_init().
+ this.enabled = true;
+ thread_init();
+ }
+ void term()
+ {
+ // Finalization of unreferenced cells is not mandatory by the specs.
+ // This implementation guarantees that all live data gets finalized,
+ // referenced or unreferenced, at the end of the program.
+ //foreach (cell; this.live_list)
+ // if (cell.finalize)
+ // rt_finalize(cell.ptr, false);
+ }
+ void enable()
+ {
+ this.enabled++;
+ assert (this.enabled > 0);
+ }
+ void disable()
+ {
+ assert (this.enabled > 0);
+ this.enabled--;
+ }
+ void collect()
+ {
+ this.unmark();
+ this.mark_all();
+ this.sweep();
+ }
+ void minimize()
+ {
+ foreach (cell; this.free_list) {
+ this.free_list.unlink(cell);
+ mem_free(cell, cell.capacity + Cell.sizeof);
+ }
+ }
+ uint getAttr(void* ptr)
+ {
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ if (cell)
+ return cell.attr;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // return the old value
+ uint setAttr(void* ptr, uint attr)
+ {
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ if (cell) {
+ auto old = cell.attr;
+ cell.attr |= attr;
+ return cell.attr;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ uint clrAttr(void* ptr, uint attr)
+ {
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ if (cell) {
+ auto old = cell.attr;
+ cell.attr &= ~attr;
+ return cell.attr;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void* malloc(size_t size, uint attr=0)
+ {
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_malloc)
+ printf("gc.malloc(%u, %u)\n", size, attr);
+ if (size == 0)
+ return null;
+ // Find a free cell in the free list with enough space
+ auto cell = this.free_list.pop(size);
+ if (cell)
+ goto success;
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_malloc)
+ printf("gc.malloc() - no cell available in the free list\n");
+ // No room in the free list found, trigger a collection
+ this.collect();
+ // Try again in the free list
+ cell = this.free_list.pop(size);
+ if (cell)
+ goto success;
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_malloc)
+ printf("gc.malloc() - after collection, still no free cell\n");
+ // No luck still, allocate new memory
+ cell = cast(Cell*) mem_alloc(size + Cell.sizeof);
+ if (cell)
+ goto success;
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_malloc)
+ printf("gc.malloc() - can't malloc() from the OS\n");
+ // No memory
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ return null;
+ success:
+ cell.size = size;
+ if (cell.capacity == 0) // fresh cell
+ cell.capacity = size;
+ cell.attr = cast(BlkAttr) attr;
+ cell.marked = false;
+ this.live_list.link(cell);
+ debug (gc_naive_gc_collect) {
+ printf("gc.malloc() -> %p (cell=%p)\n\tfree:", cell.ptr, cell);
+ foreach (cell; this.free_list)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ printf(" | live:");
+ foreach (cell; this.live_list)
+ printf(" %p", cell);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ return cell.ptr;
+ }
+ void* calloc(size_t size, uint attr=0)
+ {
+ void* ptr = this.malloc(size, attr);
+ if (ptr is null)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ else
+ memset(ptr, 0, size);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ void* realloc(void* ptr, size_t size, uint attr=0)
+ {
+ if (ptr is null)
+ return this.malloc(size, attr);
+ if (size == 0) {
+ this.free(ptr);
+ return null;
+ }
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ assert (cell);
+ if (cell.capacity >= size) {
+ cell.size = size;
+ return cell;
+ }
+ Cell* new_cell = cast(Cell*) mem_alloc(size + Cell.sizeof);
+ if (new_cell is null)
+ onOutOfMemoryError();
+ memcpy(new_cell, cell, size + Cell.sizeof);
+ new_cell.size = size;
+ new_cell.capacity = size;
+ this.live_list.link(new_cell);
+ this.free(cell);
+ return new_cell.ptr;
+ }
+ size_t extend(void* ptr, size_t min_size, size_t max_size)
+ {
+ assert (min_size <= max_size);
+ // There is no possible extension of the capacity for this
+ // implementation.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ size_t reserve(size_t size)
+ {
+ assert (size > 0);
+ auto cell = cast(Cell*) mem_alloc(size + Cell.sizeof);
+ if (!cell)
+ return 0;
+ cell.size = size;
+ cell.capacity = size;
+ this.free_list.link(cell);
+ return size;
+ }
+ void free(void* ptr)
+ {
+ if (ptr is null)
+ return;
+ auto cell = this.live_list.pop(ptr);
+ assert (cell);
+ this.free_list.link(cell);
+ }
+ void* addrOf(void* ptr)
+ {
+ if (ptr is null)
+ return null;
+ bool in_range(Cell* cell)
+ {
+ return ptr >= cell.ptr && ptr < (cell.ptr + cell.size);
+ }
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(&in_range);
+ if (cell)
+ return cell.ptr;
+ return null;
+ }
+ // TODO: acepta un address que no sea el base?
+ // es valido aceptar un ptr que no pertenezca al heap?
+ // (contestado en basic/gcx.d, pero es estandar?)
+ size_t sizeOf(void* ptr)
+ {
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ if (cell)
+ return cell.capacity;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // TODO: acepta un address que no sea el base?
+ // es valido aceptar un ptr que no pertenezca al heap?
+ BlkInfo query(void* ptr)
+ {
+ BlkInfo blk_info;
+ auto cell = this.live_list.find(ptr);
+ if (cell) {
+ blk_info.base = cell.ptr;
+ blk_info.size = cell.capacity;
+ blk_info.attr = cell.attr;
+ }
+ return blk_info;
+ }
+ void addRoot(void* ptr)
+ {
+ this.root_pointers.append(ptr);
+ }
+ void addRange(void* ptr, size_t size)
+ {
+ this.root_ranges.append(RootRange(ptr, ptr + size));
+ }
+ void removeRoot(void* ptr)
+ {
+ this.root_pointers.remove(ptr);
+ }
+ void removeRange(void* ptr)
+ {
+ foreach (range; this.root_ranges) {
+ if (range.from is ptr) {
+ this.root_ranges.remove(range);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 :