]> git.llucax.com Git - software/ev.d.git/commitdiff
Initial import of ev.d, a libev bingind for the D Programming Language.
authorLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:11:11 +0000 (01:11 -0200)
committerLeandro Lucarella <llucax@gmail.com>
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 03:11:11 +0000 (01:11 -0200)
Just expose the C API to D for now.

ev.d [new file with mode: 0644]
test.d [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/ev.d b/ev.d
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5c82a04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ev.d
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+ + D Programming Language "bindings" to libev
+ + <http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html>
+ +
+ + Written by Leandro Lucarella (2008).
+ +
+ + Placed under BOLA license <http://auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/bola/> which is
+ + basically public domain.
+ +
+ +/
+module ev;
+enum: uint
+       UNDEF    = 0xFFFFFFFFL, // guaranteed to be invalid
+       NONE     =       0x00L, // no events
+       READ     =       0x01L, // ev_io detected read will not block
+       WRITE    =       0x02L, // ev_io detected write will not block
+       IOFDSET  =       0x80L, // internal use only
+       TIMEOUT  = 0x00000100L, // timer timed out
+       PERIODIC = 0x00000200L, // periodic timer timed out
+       SIGNAL   = 0x00000400L, // signal was received
+       CHILD    = 0x00000800L, // child/pid had status change
+       STAT     = 0x00001000L, // stat data changed
+       IDLE     = 0x00002000L, // event loop is idling
+       PREPARE  = 0x00004000L, // event loop about to poll
+       CHECK    = 0x00008000L, // event loop finished poll
+       EMBED    = 0x00010000L, // embedded event loop needs sweep
+       FORK     = 0x00020000L, // event loop resumed in child
+       ERROR    = 0x80000000L, // sent when an error occurs
+enum: uint
+       // bits for ev_default_loop and ev_loop_new
+       // the default
+       AUTO       = 0x00000000UL, // not quite a mask
+       // flag bits
+       NOENV      = 0x01000000UL, // do NOT consult environment
+       FORKCHECK  = 0x02000000UL, // check for a fork in each iteration
+       // method bits to be ored together
+       SELECT     = 0x00000001UL, // about anywhere
+       POLL       = 0x00000002UL, // !win
+       EPOLL      = 0x00000004UL, // linux
+       KQUEUE     = 0x00000008UL, // bsd
+       DEVPOLL    = 0x00000010UL, // solaris 8 / NYI
+       PORT       = 0x00000020UL, // solaris 10
+       NONBLOCK = 1, // do not block/wait
+       ONESHOT  = 2, // block *once* only
+enum how
+       CANCEL = 0, // undo unloop
+       ONE    = 1, // unloop once
+       ALL    = 2, // unloop all loops
+extern (C)
+       version (EV_ENABLE_SELECT)
+       {
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               version = EV_PERIODIC_ENABLE;
+               version = EV_STAT_ENABLE;
+               version = EV_IDLE_ENABLE;
+               version = EV_FORK_ENABLE;
+               version = EV_EMBED_ENABLE;
+       }
+       alias double ev_tstamp;
+       struct ev_loop_t;
+       template EV_COMMON()
+       {
+               void* data;
+       }
+       template EV_CB_DECLARE(TYPE)
+       {
+               void function (ev_loop_t*, TYPE*, int) cb;
+       }
+       template EV_WATCHER(TYPE)
+       {
+               int active;                 // private
+               int pending;                // private
+               int priority;               // private
+               mixin EV_COMMON;            // rw
+               mixin EV_CB_DECLARE!(TYPE); // private
+       }
+       template EV_WATCHER_LIST(TYPE)
+       {
+               mixin EV_WATCHER!(TYPE);
+               ev_watcher_list* next;      // private
+       }
+       template EV_WATCHER_TIME(TYPE)
+       {
+               mixin EV_WATCHER!(TYPE);
+               ev_tstamp at;               // private
+       }
+       align (4) {
+               struct ev_watcher
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_watcher);
+               }
+               struct ev_watcher_list
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_LIST!(ev_watcher_list);
+               }
+               struct ev_watcher_time
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_TIME!(ev_watcher_time);
+               }
+               struct ev_io
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_LIST!(ev_io);
+                       int fd;     // ro
+                       int events; // ro
+               }
+               struct ev_timer
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_TIME!(ev_timer);
+                       ev_tstamp repeat; // rw
+               }
+               version (EV_PERIODIC_ENABLE)
+               {
+                       struct ev_periodic
+                       {
+                               mixin EV_WATCHER_TIME!(ev_periodic);
+                               ev_tstamp offset;                     // rw
+                               ev_tstamp interval;                   // rw
+                               ev_tstamp function(ev_periodic *w,
+                                       ev_tstamp now) reschedule_cb; // rw
+                       }
+               }
+               struct ev_signal
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_LIST!(ev_signal);
+                       int signum; // ro
+               }
+               struct ev_child
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER_LIST!(ev_child);
+                       int pid;     // ro
+                       int rpid;    // rw, holds the received pid
+                       int rstatus; // rw, holds the exit status, use the
+                                    // macros from sys/wait.h
+               }
+               version (EV_STAT_ENABLE)
+               {
+                       version (Windows) // alias _stati64 ev_statdata;
+                       {
+                               pragma (msg, "ev_stat not supported in windows "
+                                               "because I don't know the "
+                                               "layout of _stati64");
+                               static assert(0);
+                               // Maybe this should work?
+                               //static import stat = std.c.windows.stat;
+                               //alias stat.struct_stat ev_statdata;
+                       }
+                       else // It should be POSIX
+                       {
+                               static import stat = std.c.unix.unix;
+                               alias stat.struct_stat ev_statdata;
+                       }
+                       struct ev_stat
+                       {
+                               mixin EV_WATCHER_LIST!(ev_stat);
+                               ev_timer timer;     // private
+                               ev_tstamp interval; // ro
+                               const char *path;   // ro
+                               ev_statdata prev;   // ro
+                               ev_statdata attr;   // ro
+                               int wd; // wd for inotify, fd for kqueue
+                       }
+               }
+               version (EV_IDLE_ENABLE)
+               {
+                       struct ev_idle
+                       {
+                               mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_idle);
+                       }
+               }
+               struct ev_prepare
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_prepare);
+               }
+               struct ev_check
+               {
+                       mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_check);
+               }
+               version (EV_FORK_ENABLE)
+               {
+                       struct ev_fork
+                       {
+                               mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_fork);
+                       }
+               }
+               version (EV_EMBED_ENABLE)
+               {
+                       struct ev_embed
+                       {
+                               mixin EV_WATCHER!(ev_embed);
+                               ev_loop_t* other;     // ro
+                               ev_io io;             // private
+                               ev_prepare prepare;   // private
+                               ev_check check;       // unused
+                               ev_timer timer;       // unused
+                               ev_periodic periodic; // unused
+                               ev_idle idle;         // unused
+                               ev_fork fork;         // unused
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       int ev_version_major();
+       int ev_version_minor();
+       uint ev_supported_backends();
+       uint ev_recommended_backends();
+       uint ev_embeddable_backends();
+       ev_tstamp ev_time();
+       void ev_sleep(ev_tstamp delay); // sleep for a while
+       // Sets the allocation function to use, works like realloc.
+       // It is used to allocate and free memory.
+       // If it returns zero when memory needs to be allocated, the library
+       // might abort
+       // or take some potentially destructive action.
+       // The default is your system realloc function.
+       void ev_set_allocator(void* function(void* ptr, int size));
+       // set the callback function to call on a
+       // retryable syscall error
+       // (such as failed select, poll, epoll_wait)
+       void ev_set_syserr_cb(void* function(char* msg));
+       extern ev_loop_t* ev_default_loop_ptr;
+       ev_loop_t* ev_default_loop_init(uint flags);
+       // create and destroy alternative loops that don't handle signals
+       ev_loop_t* ev_loop_new(uint flags);
+       void ev_loop_destroy(ev_loop_t*);
+       void ev_loop_fork(ev_loop_t*);
+       ev_tstamp ev_now(ev_loop_t*);
+       void ev_default_destroy();
+       void ev_default_fork();
+       uint ev_backend(ev_loop_t*);
+       uint ev_loop_count(ev_loop_t*);
+       void ev_loop(ev_loop_t*, int flags);
+       void ev_unloop(ev_loop_t*, how);
+       void ev_set_io_collect_interval(ev_loop_t*, ev_tstamp interval);
+       void ev_set_timeout_collect_interval(ev_loop_t*, ev_tstamp interval);
+       void ev_ref(ev_loop_t*);
+       void ev_unref(ev_loop_t*);
+       void ev_once(ev_loop_t*, int fd, int events, ev_tstamp timeout,
+                       void function(int revents, void* arg), void* arg);
+       void ev_feed_event(ev_loop_t*, void *w, int revents);
+       void ev_feed_fd_event(ev_loop_t*, int fd, int revents);
+       void ev_feed_signal_event (ev_loop_t*, int signum);
+       void ev_invoke(ev_loop_t*, void *w, int revents);
+       int  ev_clear_pending(ev_loop_t*, void *w);
+       void ev_io_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_io *w);
+       void ev_io_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_io *w);
+       void ev_timer_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_timer *w);
+       void ev_timer_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_timer *w);
+       void ev_timer_again(ev_loop_t*, ev_timer *w);
+       version (EV_PERIODIC_ENABLE)
+       {
+               void ev_periodic_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_periodic *w);
+               void ev_periodic_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_periodic *w);
+               void ev_periodic_again(ev_loop_t*, ev_periodic *w);
+       }
+       void ev_signal_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_signal *w);
+       void ev_signal_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_signal *w);
+       /* only supported in the default loop */
+       void ev_child_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_child *w);
+       void ev_child_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_child *w);
+       version (EV_STAT_ENABLE)
+       {
+               void ev_stat_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_stat *w);
+               void ev_stat_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_stat *w);
+               void ev_stat_stat(ev_loop_t*, ev_stat *w);
+       }
+       version (EV_IDLE_ENABLE)
+       {
+               void ev_idle_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_idle *w);
+               void ev_idle_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_idle *w);
+       }
+       void ev_prepare_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_prepare *w);
+       void ev_prepare_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_prepare *w);
+       void ev_check_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_check *w);
+       void ev_check_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_check *w);
+       version (EV_FORK_ENABLE)
+       {
+               void ev_fork_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_fork *w);
+               void ev_fork_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_fork *w);
+       }
+       version (EV_EMBED_ENABLE)
+       {
+               // only supported when loop to be embedded is in fact embeddable
+               void ev_embed_start(ev_loop_t*, ev_embed *w);
+               void ev_embed_stop(ev_loop_t*, ev_embed *w);
+               void ev_embed_sweep(ev_loop_t*, ev_embed *w);
+       }
+       bool ev_is_pending(TYPE)(TYPE* w)
+       {
+               return w.pending;
+       }
+       bool ev_is_active(TYPE)(TYPE* w)
+       {
+               return w.active;
+       }
+       int ev_priority(TYPE)(TYPE* w)
+       {
+               return w.priority;
+       }
+       void function(ev_loop_t*, TYPE*, int) ev_cb(TYPE)(TYPE* w)
+       {
+               return w.cb;
+       }
+       void ev_set_priority(TYPE)(TYPE* w, int pri)
+       {
+               w.priority = pri;
+       }
+       void ev_set_cb(TYPE)(TYPE* w,
+                       void function(ev_loop_t*, TYPE*, int) cb)
+       {
+               w.cb = cb;
+       }
+       void ev_init(TYPE)(TYPE* w,
+                       void function(ev_loop_t*, TYPE*, int) cb)
+       {
+               w.active = 0;
+               w.pending = 0;
+               w.priority = 0;
+               ev_set_cb(w, cb);
+       }
+       void ev_io_set(ev_io* w, int fd, int events)
+       {
+               w.fd = fd;
+               w.events = events | IOFDSET;
+       }
+       void ev_timer_set(ev_timer* w, ev_tstamp after, ev_tstamp repeat)
+       {
+               w.at = after;
+               w.repeat = repeat;
+       }
+       void ev_periodic_set(ev_periodic* w, ev_tstamp ofs, ev_tstamp ival,
+                       ev_tstamp function(ev_periodic *w, ev_tstamp now) res)
+       {
+               w.offset = ofs;
+               w.interval = ival;
+               w.reschedule_cb = res;
+       }
+       void ev_signal_set(ev_signal* w, int signum)
+       {
+               w.signum = signum;
+       }
+       void ev_child_set(ev_child* w, int pid)
+       {
+               w.pid = pid;
+       }
+       void ev_stat_set(ev_stat* w, char* path, ev_tstamp interval)
+       {
+               w.path = path;
+               w.interval = interval;
+               w.wd = -2;
+       }
+       void ev_idle_set(ev_idle* w)
+       {
+       }
+       void ev_prepare_set(ev_prepare* w)
+       {
+       }
+       void ev_check_set(ev_check* w)
+       {
+       }
+       void ev_embed_set(ev_embed* w, ev_loop_t* other)
+       {
+               w.other = other;
+       }
+       void ev_fork_set(ev_fork* w)
+       {
+       }
+       void ev_io_init(ev_io* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_io*, int) cb, int fd,
+                       int events)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_io_set(w, fd, events);
+       }
+       void ev_timer_init(ev_timer* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_timer*, int) cb,
+                       ev_tstamp after, ev_tstamp repeat)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_timer_set(w, after, repeat);
+       }
+       void ev_periodic_init(ev_periodic* w,
+                       void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_periodic*, int) cb,
+                       ev_tstamp ofs, ev_tstamp ival,
+                       ev_tstamp function(ev_periodic *w, ev_tstamp now) res)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_periodic_set(w, ofs, ival, res);
+       }
+       void ev_signal_init(ev_signal* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_signal*, int) cb,
+                       int signum)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_signal_set(w, signum);
+       }
+       void ev_child_init(ev_child* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_child*, int) cb,
+                       int pid)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_child_set(w, pid);
+       }
+       void ev_stat_init(ev_stat* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_stat*, int) cb,
+                       char* path, ev_tstamp interval)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_stat_set(w, path, interval);
+       }
+       void ev_idle_init(ev_idle* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_idle*, int) cb)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_idle_set(w);
+       }
+       void ev_prepare_init(ev_prepare* w,
+                       void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_prepare*, int) cb)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_prepare_set(w);
+       }
+       void ev_check_init(ev_check* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_check*, int) cb)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_check_set(w);
+       }
+       void ev_embed_init(ev_embed* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_embed*, int) cb,
+                       ev_loop_t* other)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_embed_set(w, other);
+       }
+       void ev_fork_init(ev_fork* w, void function(ev_loop_t*, ev_fork*, int) cb)
+       {
+               ev_init(w, cb);
+               ev_fork_set(w);
+       }
+       ev_loop_t* ev_default_loop(uint flags = AUTO)
+       {
+               if (!ev_default_loop_ptr)
+                       ev_default_loop_init(flags);
+               return ev_default_loop_ptr;
+       }
diff --git a/test.d b/test.d
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..27b1c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.d
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ + D Programming Language "bindings" to libev
+ + <http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html> test program.
+ +
+ + Written by Leandro Lucarella (2008).
+ +
+ + Placed under BOLA license <http://auriga.wearlab.de/~alb/bola/> which is
+ + basically public domain.
+ +
+ +/
+import io = std.stdio;
+import ev;
+extern (C)
+       static void stdin_cb (ev_loop_t* loop, ev_io *w, int revents)
+       {
+               io.writefln("stdin ready");
+               char[] ln = io.readln();
+               io.writef("read %d bytes: %s", ln.length, ln);
+               ev_io_stop(loop, w); // just a syntax example
+               ev_unloop(loop, how.ALL); // leave all loop calls
+       }
+       static void timeout_cb(ev_loop_t* loop, ev_timer *w, int revents)
+       {
+               io.writefln("timeout");
+               ev_unloop(loop, how.ONE); // leave one loop call
+       }
+void main()
+       ev_io    stdin_watcher;
+       ev_timer timeout_watcher;
+       ev_loop_t* loop = ev_default_loop();
+       /* initialise an io watcher, then start it */
+       ev_io_init(&stdin_watcher, &stdin_cb, /*STDIN_FILENO*/ 0, READ);
+       ev_io_start(loop, &stdin_watcher);
+       /* simple non-repeating 5.5 second timeout */
+       ev_timer_init(&timeout_watcher, &timeout_cb, 1.5, 0.0);
+       ev_timer_start(loop, &timeout_watcher);
+       /* loop till timeout or data ready */
+       ev_loop(loop, 0);