+ * This wrapper was designed to be used just like libevent, but with C++ style
+ * syntax sugar (or poisson, depends on your point of view ;) and goodies. The
+ * main difference to libevent is you allways have to instance a
+ * eventxx::dispatcher to get an event loop. There is no implicit global event
+ * loop. This adds just an extra line of code for single threaded applications
+ * and makes things much more simple. See eventxx::dispatcher documentation for
+ * more details.
+ *
+ * You can use use the same plain functions callbacks or the other kind of
+ * function objects (see @link events @endlink section for details on event
+ * types).
+ *
+ * eventxx uses @link exceptions @endlink to report errors. All functions has
+ * exception specifications, so it's easy to find out what to expect. See
+ * exceptions section for more detail.
+ *
+ * A timespec abstraction is provided in eventxx::time for convenient argument
+ * passing. Even more, it's a timespec itself, with some convenient methods for
+ * accessing the timespec attributes in a more C++ way. And even more, eventxx
+ * is such a direct mapping that all eventxx::event's are libevent event structs
+ * too, so theoretically you can pass a eventxx::event to libevent C functions
+ * without much trouble. eventxx::dispatcher is the only class that is not
+ * derived from libevent struct (event_base) because this struct it's not
+ * defined on the libevent header (just declared).
+ *
+ * Maybe you shouldn't know this implementation details to keep the abstraction,
+ * but this is a basic design goal of this wrapper so there is not much chance
+ * that this changes in the future (but use this knowledge with care, you are
+ * warned ;).
+ *
+ * @section Example
+ *
+ * @code
+ * #include <eventxx>
+ * #include <iostream>
+ * #include <csignal>
+ *
+ * struct handler
+ * {
+ * eventxx::dispatcher& d;
+ * int i;
+ * handler(eventxx::dispatcher& d): d(d), i(0) {}
+ * void operator() (int signum, short event)
+ * {
+ * if (i < 5) std::cout << "keep going...\n";
+ * else
+ * {
+ * std::cout << "done!\n";
+ * d.exit();
+ * }
+ * }
+ * };
+ *
+ * void sighandler(int signum, short event, void* data)
+ * {
+ * int& i = *static_cast< int* >(data);
+ * std::cout << ++i << " interrupts, ";
+ * }
+ *
+ * int main()
+ * {
+ * eventxx::dispatcher d;
+ * handler h(d);
+ * eventxx::csignal sigev(SIGINT, sighandler, &h.i);
+ * eventxx::signal< handler > e(SIGINT, h);
+ * d.add(sigev);
+ * d.add(e);
+ * d.dispatch();
+ * return 0;
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * You can see some more examples on the test directory of the distribution or
+ * on the examples related page.
+ *
+ *
+ * @section Status
+ *
+ * This library was not widely used yet, it lack some testing. Because templates
+ * are not even compiled when they are used, you can be surprissed if you catch
+ * a piece of code that didn't got even compiled yet because the lack of
+ * testing. The library has no support for buffered events yet either. It
+ * doesn't support the http stuff, and probably never will because that has
+ * nothing to do with event handling.
+ *
+ * If you notice this lib leaks memory, don't blame me, blame libevent :)
+ * libevent has a known bug on event_base_free() that makes it assert always, so
+ * event_base_free() it's unusable, unless you patch your libevent (for example,
+ * using this <a
+ * href="http://monkeymail.org/archives/libevent-users/2006-April/000141.html">patch</a>
+ * written by Mark D. Anderson and who knows why it's not still applied. If you
+ * do so, you can compile your programs with -DEVENT_BASE_FREE_FIX so
+ * event_base_free() gets called.
+ *
+ * That said, I think it's pretty usable anyways. If something is broken it
+ * would be really easy to fix it because is just a simple wrapper arround
+ * libevent. So, please try it out, and if you have any problems,
+ * <a href="mailto:llucax+eventxx@gmail.com">drop me an
+ * e-mail</a> and and I'll fix it ASAP (or provide a patch and you will be my
+ * best friend ;).
+ *
+ * Patches to support buffered events are welcome too.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Leandro Lucarella <llucax+eventxx@gmail.com>