#warning "The dispatcher class *will* leak memory because of a libevent bug, " \
"see http://www.mail-archive.com/libevent-users@monkey.org/msg00110.html " \
"for more info an a patch. If you already have this patch, please " \
"-DEVENTXX_EVENT_BASE_FREE_FIX to your compiler to make this message disappear " \
"and really free the dispatcher memory using event_base_free()."
#warning "The dispatcher class *will* leak memory because of a libevent bug, " \
"see http://www.mail-archive.com/libevent-users@monkey.org/msg00110.html " \
"for more info an a patch. If you already have this patch, please " \
"-DEVENTXX_EVENT_BASE_FREE_FIX to your compiler to make this message disappear " \
"and really free the dispatcher memory using event_base_free()."