static void
-childcb (struct ev_signal *sw, int revents)
+child_reap (struct ev_signal *sw, int chain, int pid, int status)
struct ev_child *w;
+ for (w = childs [chain & (PID_HASHSIZE - 1)]; w; w = w->next)
+ if (w->pid == pid || !w->pid)
+ {
+ w->priority = sw->priority; /* need to do it *now* */
+ w->rpid = pid;
+ w->rstatus = status;
+ printf ("rpid %p %d %d\n", w, pid, w->pid);//D
+ event ((W)w, EV_CHILD);
+ }
+static void
+childcb (struct ev_signal *sw, int revents)
int pid, status;
- while ((pid = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED)) != -1)
- for (w = childs [pid & (PID_HASHSIZE - 1)]; w; w = w->next)
- if (w->pid == pid || !w->pid)
- {
- w->rpid = pid;
- w->rstatus = status;
- event ((W)w, EV_CHILD);
- }
+ printf ("chld %x\n", revents);//D
+ if (0 < (pid = waitpid (-1, &status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED | WCONTINUED)))
+ {
+ /* make sure we are called again until all childs have been reaped */
+ event ((W)sw, EV_SIGNAL);
+ child_reap (sw, pid, pid, status);
+ child_reap (sw, 0, pid, status); /* this might trigger a watcher twice, but event catches that */
+ }
if (ev_method)
ev_watcher_init (&sigev, sigcb);
+ ev_set_priority (&sigev, EV_MAXPRI);
siginit ();
#ifndef WIN32
ev_signal_init (&childev, childcb, SIGCHLD);
+ ev_set_priority (&childev, EV_MAXPRI);
ev_signal_start (&childev);
ev_stop ((W)w);
+#ifndef SA_RESTART
+# define SA_RESTART 0
ev_signal_start (struct ev_signal *w)
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_handler = sighandler;
sigfillset (&sa.sa_mask);
- sa.sa_flags = 0;
+ sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* if restarting works we save one iteration */
sigaction (w->signum, &sa, 0);