2 # Create the include directory symlink
3 setup_include_dir__ := $(call symlink_include_dir,otherproj)
5 # Build the shared library
6 $L/libotherproj.so: LINKER := $(CC)
7 $L/libotherproj.so: $(call find_objects,c)
10 # Nice shortcut target
12 otherproj: $L/libotherproj.so
14 # Install the shared library
15 $I/lib/libotherproj.so: $L/libotherproj.so
16 install += $I/lib/libotherproj.so
18 # Install the library's headers
19 $I/include/otherproj/%.h: $T/$C/%.h
21 # XXX: we can't use += here, call will be resolved lazily if we do
22 install := $(install) $(call find_headers,h,$I/include/otherproj)