+# If $V is non-empty, colored output is used if $(COLOR) is non-empty too
+COLOR ?= 1
+# ANSI color used for the command if $(COLOR) is non-empty
+# The color is composed with 2 numbers separated by ;
+# The first is the style. 00 is normal, 01 is bold, 04 is underline, 05 blinks,
+# 07 is reversed mode
+# The second is the color: 30 dark gray/black, 31 red, 32 green, 33 yellow, 34
+# blue, 35 magenta, 36 cyan and 37 white.
+# If empty, no special color is used.
+COLOR_CMD ?= 00;33
+# ANSI color used for the argument if $(COLOR) is non-empty
+# See COLOR_CMD comment for details.