1 ## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
5 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.6 foreign
8 GSSSOURCES = auth_gss.c
12 AUTHENTICATORS = auth_sasl.c
14 AUTHENTICATORS = auth_anon.c auth_cram.c
17 EXTRA_DIST = README TODO auth_anon.c auth_cram.c auth_gss.c auth_sasl.c
19 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I../intl
21 noinst_LIBRARIES = libimap.a
22 noinst_HEADERS = auth.h imap_private.h message.h
24 libimap_a_SOURCES = auth.c auth_login.c browse.c command.c imap.c imap.h \
25 message.c utf7.c util.c $(AUTHENTICATORS) $(GSSSOURCES)