(Closes: 619822)
+ sidebar-{dotted,sorted}: documented the options that those two patches are
introducing; documentation submitted by Julien Valroff (Closes: 603186)
+ + sidebar-sorted: use strcoll() to sort the sidebar using the locale
+ settings of the system, patch by Arnaud Riess (Closes: 589240)
+ multiple-fccs: added a patch that allows multiple FCC separated by commas,
written by Omen Wild (Closes: 586454)
+ needsort=0;
+ tmp = Incoming;
+ for ( ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next ) {
-+ if (tmp->next != NULL && strcmp(tmp->path, tmp->next->path) > 0) {
++ if (tmp->next != NULL && strcoll(tmp->path, tmp->next->path) > 0) {
+ needsort=1;
+ prev = tmp->prev;
+ next = tmp->next;