+mutt (1.5.19-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control:
+ + Xs- removed from VCS headers
+ + removed a duplicate "priority" in the binary package
+ + Section: debug for mutt-dbg
+ + debhelper dependency updated to support dh_lintian
+ + Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.1
+ * debian/patches, the following patches were refreshed against upstream/1.5.19:
+ + features/{ifdef,maildir-mtime,xtitles,trash-folder,purge-message}
+ + features-old/patch-1.5.4.vk.pgp_verbose_mime
+ + debian-specific/{Md.etc_mailname_gethostbyname.diff,correct_docdir_in_manpage.diff,
+ assumed_charset-compat}
+ + mutt-patched/*
+ * debian/patches/mutt-patched/sidebar: added the new sidebar patch for 1.5.19
+ * debian/rules: re-enabled building of mutt-patched for 1.5.19
+ -- Antonio Radici <antonio@dyne.org> Sun, 24 May 2009 17:24:18 +0100