This should go away anyways (either documenting that that feature should
be enabled before pymind starts or by moving it to the IP service).
# FIXME, this should be specific for each service
config_path = join(base_path, 'config')
- f = file("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward","w")
- f.write("1")
- f.close()
-except (IOError, OSError), e:
- print "Can't set ip_forward:", e
class firewall:
pickle_dir = join(pickle_path, 'firewall')
config_dir = join(config_path, 'firewall')
setattr(root, name, service.get_service(config))
return root
+ f = file("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward","w")
+ f.write("1")
+ f.close()
+except (IOError, OSError), e:
+ log.warning("Can't set ip_forward: %s", e)
PyminDaemon(build_root(config), config.bind_addr).run()