--- /dev/null
+# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
+# * add 'append' mode to ListOption (like ConfigOption).
+# * update/write documentation
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import shlex
+import optparse
+from formencode import Schema, ForEach, Invalid, validators
+from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser, InterpolationMissingOptionError, \
+ InterpolationSyntaxError, InterpolationDepthError, \
+ MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError
+import logging ; log = logging.getLogger('pymin.config')
+__all__ = ('ConfigError', 'MissingSectionHeaderError', 'ParsingError',
+ 'Options', 'OptionGroup', 'Option',
+ 'VOID', 'load_config', 'config', 'options')
+# regular expression to check if a name is a valid python identifier
+identifier_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$')
+class ConfigError(RuntimeError):
+ """
+ Raised when the problem is due to an user error.
+ """
+ pass
+class VoidClass:
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<void>"
+ def __len__(self):
+ "For boolean expression evaluation"
+ return 0
+VOID = VoidClass()
+class Options:
+ """
+ Represent a set of options a program can have.
+ Both command-line and configuration file options are handled.
+ .. attr:: default_group
+ The name of the default :class:`OptionGroup`. Options that
+ don't belong to any group are looked in the section with this
+ name in the config file.
+ .. attr:: default_group
+ Default :class:`OptionGroup` description.
+ .. attr:: options
+ A list of :class:`Option` or :class:`OptionGroup`
+ instances. Groups are translated to a section when parsing the
+ config file, and to prefixes in the long options when parsing
+ the command-line.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, schemacls=None):
+ self.default_group = ''
+ self.default_group_desc = ''
+ self.options = []
+ if schemacls is None:
+ schemacls = Schema
+ self.schemacls = schemacls
+ self.schema = None # filled in process()
+ def add(self, options):
+ log.debug('Options.add(%r)', options)
+ if isinstance(options, (list, tuple)):
+ self.options.extend(options)
+ else:
+ self.options.append(options)
+ def add_group(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ g = OptionGroup(*args, **kwargs)
+ log.debug('Options.add_group(%r)', g)
+ self.add(g)
+ def get_group(self, group_name):
+ for g in self.options:
+ if isinstance(g, OptionGroup) and g.name == group_name:
+ return g
+ def init(self, default_group=None, default_group_desc=None,
+ options=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the class. Since the class is instantiated by the
+ config framework, you should use this method to set it's values.
+ Arguments are directly mapped to the class attributes, with
+ the particularity of options being appended to existing options
+ (instead of replaced).
+ """
+ log.debug('Options.init(default_group=%r, default_group_desc=%r, '
+ 'options=%r)', default_group, default_group_desc, options)
+ if not identifier_re.match(default_group):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid default group name '%s' (group names "
+ "must be valid python identifiers" % name)
+ if default_group is not None:
+ self.default_group = default_group
+ if default_group_desc is not None:
+ self.default_group_desc = default_group_desc
+ if options is not None:
+ self.options.extend(options)
+ def process(self, parser):
+ """
+ Process the command-line options.
+ ``parser`` should be a :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance.
+ """
+ log.debug('Options.process()')
+ self.schema = self.schemacls()
+ config_opts = []
+ for o in self.options:
+ o.process(parser, self.schema, config_opts, self.default_group)
+ return config_opts
+ def values(self, confparser, parseropts, ignore_errors):
+ """
+ Post process the command-line options.
+ ``config`` should be an object where options are stored. If
+ ``prefix`` is specified, the prefix will be used to look for
+ the option.
+ """
+ log.debug('Options.values()')
+ # first populate the confparser with the values from the command-line
+ # options to make the variable interpolation works as expected.
+ for o in self.options:
+ o.set_value(confparser, parseropts, self.default_group)
+ # then, get the actual values
+ v = dict()
+ for o in self.options:
+ v[o.name] = o.value(confparser, parseropts, self.default_group,
+ ignore_errors)
+ log.debug('Options.values() -> %r', v)
+ return v
+ @property
+ def defaults(self):
+ log.debug('Options.defaults()')
+ defaults = dict()
+ for o in self.options:
+ defaults.update(o.defaults)
+ log.debug('Options.defaults() -> %r', defaults)
+ return defaults
+class OptionGroup:
+ def __init__(self, name, description=None, options=None):
+ log.debug('OptionGroup(name=%r, description=%r, options=%r)', name,
+ description, options)
+ if not identifier_re.match(name):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid group name '%s' (group names must be "
+ "valid python identifiers" % name)
+ self.name = name
+ self.oname = name.replace('_', '-')
+ self.description = description
+ self.options = []
+ if options is not None:
+ self.add(options)
+ def add(self, options):
+ log.debug('OptionGroup.add(%r)', options)
+ if not isinstance(options, (list, tuple)):
+ options = [options]
+ for o in options:
+ if isinstance(o, OptionGroup):
+ raise ConfigError("Groups can't be nested (group '%s' found "
+ "inside group '%s')" % (o.name, self.name))
+ self.options.extend(options)
+ def process(self, parser, schema, config_opts, default_group):
+ """
+ Process the command-line options.
+ ``parser`` should be a :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance.
+ """
+ subschema = schema.__class__()
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, self.description)
+ for o in self.options:
+ if o.short:
+ raise ValueError("Grouped options can't have short name "
+ "(option '%s' in grupo '%s' have this short "
+ "names: %s)" % (o.name, self.name,
+ ','.join('-' + o for o in o.short)))
+ o.process(group, subschema, config_opts, self)
+ log.debug('Adding group %s to optparse')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ schema.add_field(self.name, subschema)
+ def value(self, confparser, parseropts, default_group, ignore_errors):
+ """
+ """
+ v = dict()
+ for o in self.options:
+ v[o.name] = o.value(confparser, parseropts, self, ignore_errors)
+ return v
+ def set_value(self, confparser, parseropts, default_group):
+ """
+ """
+ v = dict()
+ for o in self.options:
+ o.set_value(confparser, parseropts, self)
+ return v
+ @property
+ def defaults(self):
+ defaults = dict()
+ for o in self.options:
+ defaults.update(o.defaults)
+ defaults = { self.oname: defaults }
+ return defaults
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'OptionGroup<%s>%r' % (self.name, self.options)
+class Option:
+ """
+ A program's option.
+ .. attr:: name
+ The name of the option. The config object will have an attribute
+ with this name. When parsing configuration and command-line
+ options, the ``_`` in this name are replace with ``-``.
+ .. attr:: validator
+ See :mod:`formencode.validators` for available validators.
+ .. attr:: short
+ Short aliases (only for command-line options).
+ .. attr:: long
+ Long aliases.
+ .. attr:: default
+ Default value.
+ .. attr:: help
+ Help message for the option.
+ .. attr:: metavar
+ Name of the option argument used in the help message.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, validator=None, short=(), long=(), default=VOID,
+ help=VOID, metavar=VOID):
+ log.debug('Option(name=%r, validator=%r, short=%r, long=%r, '
+ 'default=%r, help=%r, metavar=%r)', name, validator, short,
+ long, default, help, metavar)
+ if not identifier_re.match(name):
+ raise ValueError("Invalid option name '%s' (option names must be "
+ "valid python identifiers" % name)
+ self.name = name
+ self.oname = name.replace('_', '-')
+ self.validator = validator
+ if isinstance(short, basestring):
+ short = [short]
+ self.short = list(short)
+ if isinstance(long, basestring):
+ long = [long]
+ self.long = [self.oname] + list(long)
+ self.default = default
+ self.help = help
+ self.metavar = metavar
+ def process(self, parser, schema, config_opts, group):
+ """
+ Process the command-line options.
+ ``parser`` should be a :class:`optparse.OptionParser` instance. If
+ ``prefix`` is specified, all long command-line options are
+ prefixed with that. For example: ``some_option`` will become
+ ``--prefix-some-option``.
+ """
+ if isinstance(group, basestring):
+ group = None
+ parser.add_option(type='string', dest=self.dest(group), default=VOID,
+ metavar=self.metavar, help=self.help,
+ *self.optparser_args(group))
+ log.debug('Option<%s>.process() -> add_option(%s, type=%r, dest=%r, '
+ 'default=%r, metavar=%r, help=%r)', self.name,
+ ', '.join(repr(i) for i in self.optparser_args(group)),
+ 'string', self.dest(group), VOID, self.metavar, self.help)
+ schema.add_field(self.name, self.validator)
+ def value(self, confparser, parseropts, group, ignore_errors):
+ """
+ Post process the command-line options.
+ ``config`` should be an object where options are stored. If
+ ``prefix`` is specified, the prefix will be used to look for
+ the option.
+ """
+ section = group
+ if isinstance(group, OptionGroup):
+ section = group.oname
+ if (confparser.has_section(section)
+ and confparser.has_option(section, self.oname)):
+ return confparser.get(section, self.oname)
+ if self.default is VOID:
+ if ignore_errors:
+ return None
+ raise ConfigError('mandatory option "%s" not present' % self.name)
+ return self.default
+ def set_value(self, confparser, parseropts, group):
+ val = getattr(parseropts, self.dest(group))
+ if val is not VOID:
+ section = group
+ if isinstance(group, OptionGroup):
+ section = group.oname
+ if not confparser.has_section(section):
+ confparser.add_section(section)
+ confparser.set(section, self.oname, val)
+ def optparser_args(self, group=None):
+ args = []
+ args.extend('-' + s for s in self.short)
+ prefix = ''
+ if group:
+ prefix = group.oname + '-'
+ args.extend('--' + prefix + l for l in self.long)
+ return args
+ def dest(self, group=None):
+ prefix = ''
+ if group and not isinstance(group, basestring):
+ prefix = group.name + '.'
+ return prefix + self.name
+ @property
+ def defaults(self):
+ default = {}
+ if self.default is not VOID:
+ default[self.oname] = str(self.default)
+ return default
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Option<%s>' % (self.name)
+class ListOption(Option):
+ def process(self, parser, schema, config_opts, group):
+ """
+ """
+ if isinstance(group, basestring):
+ group = None
+ parser.add_option(type='string', dest=self.dest(group), default=[],
+ metavar=self.metavar, help=self.help,
+ action='append', *self.optparser_args(group))
+ log.debug('Option<%s>.process() -> add_option(%s, type=%r, dest=%r, '
+ 'action=%r, default=%r, metavar=%r, help=%r)', self.name,
+ ', '.join(repr(i) for i in self.optparser_args(group)),
+ 'string', self.dest(group), 'append', [], self.metavar,
+ self.help)
+ schema.add_field(self.name, ForEach(self.validator, if_empty=[]))
+ def value(self, confparser, parseropts, group, ignore_errors):
+ """
+ """
+ value = Option.value(self, confparser, parseropts, group, ignore_errors)
+ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ value = shlex.split(value)
+ return value
+ def set_value(self, confparser, parseropts, group):
+ val = getattr(parseropts, self.dest(group))
+ if val:
+ val = ' '.join([repr(i) for i in val])
+ setattr(parseropts, self.dest(group), val)
+ Option.set_value(self, confparser, parseropts, group)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'ListOption<%s>' % (self.name)
+class ConfigOption(ListOption):
+ def __init__(self, name, short=(), long=(), default=VOID, help=VOID,
+ metavar=VOID, override=False):
+ ListOption.__init__(self, name, validators.String, short, long, default,
+ help, metavar)
+ self.override = override
+ def process(self, parser, schema, config_opts, group):
+ ListOption.process(self, parser, schema, config_opts, group)
+ config_opts.append(self)
+ def value(self, confparser, parseropts, group, ignore_errors):
+ pass
+ def set_value(self, confparser, parseropts, group):
+ pass
+class Config:
+ """
+ Dummy object that stores all the configuration data.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Config(%r)' % self.__dict__
+config = None
+args = []
+options = Options()
+class LazyOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser):
+ ignore_errors = False
+ exit_status = 1
+ def exit(self, status=0, msg=None):
+ if self.ignore_errors:
+ return
+ optparse.OptionParser.exit(self, status, msg)
+ def error(self, msg):
+ if self.ignore_errors:
+ return
+ self.print_usage(sys.stderr)
+ self.exit(self.exit_status, "%s: error: %s\n"
+ % (self.get_prog_name(), msg))
+ def print_help(self, file=None):
+ if self.ignore_errors:
+ return
+ optparse.OptionParser.print_help(self, file)
+ def _process_short_opts(self, rargs, values):
+ try:
+ return optparse.OptionParser._process_short_opts(self, rargs,
+ values)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if not self.ignore_errors:
+ raise
+ def _process_long_opt(self, rargs, values):
+ try:
+ return optparse.OptionParser._process_long_opt(self, rargs, values)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if not self.ignore_errors:
+ raise
+ def _process_short_opts(self, rargs, values):
+ try:
+ return optparse.OptionParser._process_short_opts(self, rargs, values)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if not self.ignore_errors:
+ raise
+def load_options(version=None, description=None, ignore_errors=False):
+ # load command-line options
+ optparser = LazyOptionParser(version=version, description=description)
+ optparser.ignore_errors = ignore_errors
+ config_opts = options.process(optparser)
+ (opts, args) = optparser.parse_args()
+ log.debug('load_options() -> %r %r', opts, args)
+ # help the GC
+ optparser.destroy()
+ return (opts, config_opts, args)
+def make_config(values):
+ log.debug('make_config()')
+ config = Config()
+ for (name, value) in values.items():
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ log.debug('make_config() -> processing group %s: %r', name, value)
+ setattr(config, name, make_config(value))
+ else:
+ log.debug('make_config() -> processing value %s: %r', name, value)
+ setattr(config, name, value)
+ log.debug('make_config() -> config = %r', config)
+ return config
+def load_conf(config_file_paths, version, description, defaults, ignore_errors):
+ log.debug('load_conf(%r, version=%r, description=%r, ignore_errors=%r)',
+ config_file_paths, version, description, ignore_errors)
+ global options
+ # load command-line options
+ (opts, config_opts, args) = load_options(version, description,
+ ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
+ # process config file options to see what config files to load
+ for opt in config_opts:
+ files = getattr(opts, opt.name)
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> processing configuration file option '
+ '"%s": %r', opt.name, files)
+ if not files:
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> option not set! looking for the next')
+ continue
+ if opt.override:
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> overriding default config files')
+ config_file_paths = files
+ else:
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> appending to default config files')
+ config_file_paths.extend(files)
+ confparser = SafeConfigParser(defaults)
+ readed = confparser.read(config_file_paths)
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> readed config files: %r', readed)
+ try:
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> sections: %r', confparser.sections())
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> readed values from config files: %r',
+ [confparser.items(s) for s in confparser.sections()])
+ values = options.values(confparser, opts, ignore_errors)
+ except InterpolationMissingOptionError, e:
+ raise ConfigError('bad value substitution for option "%s" in '
+ 'section [%s] (references an unexistent option '
+ '"%s")' % (e.option, e.section, e.reference))
+ except InterpolationDepthError, e:
+ raise ConfigError('value interpolation too deeply recursive in '
+ 'option "%s", section [%s]' % (e.option, e.section))
+ except InterpolationSyntaxError, e:
+ raise ConfigError('bad syntax for interpolation variable in option '
+ '"%s", section [%s]' % (e.option, e.section))
+ values = options.schema.to_python(values)
+ log.debug('load_conf() -> validated values: %r', values)
+ config = make_config(values)
+ # TODO options.check_orphans(confparser, config)
+ return (config, args)
+def load_config(config_file_paths, version=None, description=None,
+ add_plugin_opts=None, defaults=None):
+ "callback signature: add_plugin_opts(config, args)"
+ log.debug('load_config(%r, version=%r, description=%r, add_plugin_opts=%r)',
+ config_file_paths, version, description, add_plugin_opts)
+ global args
+ global config
+ (config, args) = load_conf(config_file_paths, version, description,
+ defaults, add_plugin_opts is not None)
+ while add_plugin_opts:
+ log.debug('load_config() -> calling %r', add_plugin_opts)
+ add_plugin_opts = add_plugin_opts(config, args)
+ log.debug('load_config() -> got config=%r / args=%r', config, args)
+ (config, args) = load_conf(config_file_paths, version, description,
+ defaults, add_plugin_opts is not None)
+ return (config, args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import os
+ import tempfile
+ from formencode import validators as V
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level = logging.DEBUG,
+ format = '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s',
+ )
+ def print_config(config, prefix=''):
+ for attr in dir(config):
+ if not attr.startswith('__'):
+ val = getattr(config, attr)
+ if isinstance(val, Config):
+ print prefix, 'Group %s:' % attr
+ print_config(val, '\t')
+ else:
+ print prefix, attr, '=', val
+ options.init('pymind', 'Default group description', [
+ Option('dry_run', V.StringBool, 'd', default=True,
+ help="pretend, don't execute commands"),
+ Option('bind_addr', V.CIDR, 'a', default='', metavar='ADDR',
+ help='IP address to bind to'),
+ Option('bind_port', V.Int, 'p', default=9999, metavar='PORT',
+ help="port to bind to"),
+ Option('mandatory', V.Int, 'm', metavar='N',
+ help="mandatory parameter"),
+ ConfigOption('config_file', 'c', metavar="FILE",
+ help="configuration file"),
+ ConfigOption('override_config_file', 'o', metavar="FILE",
+ help="configuration file", override=True),
+ ListOption('plugins', V.String, 's', metavar="SERV", default=[],
+ help="plugins pymin should use"),
+ OptionGroup('test_grp', 'A test group', [
+ Option('test', V.StringBool, default=False,
+ help="test group option"),
+ Option('oneof', V.OneOf(['tcp', 'udp']), default='tcp',
+ help="test option for OneOf validator"),
+ ListOption('list', V.StringBool, default=[True, True, False],
+ help="test ListOption"),
+ ]),
+ ])
+ def add_more_plugin_opts(config, args):
+ print 'add_more_plugin_opts'
+ print '---------------'
+ print config, args
+ print '---------------'
+ print
+ g = options.get_group('plugin')
+ g.add(ListOption('other', V.Int, default=[1,2], metavar='OTHER',
+ help="a list of numbers"))
+ def add_plugin_opts(config, args):
+ print 'add_plugin_opts'
+ print '---------------'
+ print config, args
+ print '---------------'
+ print
+ if 'plugin' in config.plugins:
+ options.add(
+ OptionGroup('plugin', 'some plug-in options', [
+ Option('active', V.StringBool, default=True, metavar='ACT',
+ help="if ACT is true, the plug-in is active"),
+ ])
+ )
+ return add_more_plugin_opts
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
+ f.write("""
+dry-run: yes
+bind-port: 2000
+log-config-file: /etc/pymin/log.conf
+test = yes
+ f.flush()
+ f.seek(0)
+ print '-'*78
+ print f.read()
+ print '-'*78
+ try:
+ (c, a) = load_config([f.name], '%prog 0.1', 'this is a program test',
+ add_plugin_opts)
+ print "Config:"
+ print_config(c)
+ print "Args:", a
+ print
+ print "Globals:"
+ print "Config:"
+ print_config(config)
+ print "Args:", args
+ except ConfigError, e:
+ print e
+ except MissingSectionHeaderError, e:
+ print "%s:%s: missing section header near: %s" \
+ % (e.filename, e.lineno, e.line)
+ except ParsingError, e:
+ for (lineno, line) in e.errors:
+ print "%s:%s: invalid syntax near: %s" % (e.filename, lineno, line)
+ print e.errors
+ except Invalid, e:
+ print e.error_dict
+ f.close()
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 et sw=4 sts=4 :
-import sys
import logging ; log = logging.getLogger('pymind')
# First of all, we need to setup the logging framework
# FIXME: this should go in a configuration file
datefmt = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',
-from pymin.pymindaemon import PyminDaemon
+import os
+import sys
+from formencode import Invalid, validators as V
+from pymin.config import OptionGroup, Option, ConfigOption, ListOption
+from pymin.config import load_config, options
+from pymin.config import ConfigError, MissingSectionHeaderError, ParsingError
from pymin.dispatcher import Handler
+from pymin.pymindaemon import PyminDaemon
from pymin.service import load_service, LoadError
-import config
-# exit status
+# exit status (1 is reserved for command-line errors)
-class Root(Handler):
- pass
+# default locations where to look for configuration files
+# all found files will be processed, overriding the previous configuration
+# files values.
+config_file_paths = [
+ '/etc/pymin.ini',
+ '/etc/pymin/pymin.ini',
+ os.path.expanduser('~/.pymin.ini'),
+ os.path.expanduser('~/.pymin/pymin.ini'),
+# default locations where to look for service plug-ins
+# search stops when a service plug-in is found
+services_paths = [
+ os.path.expanduser('~/.pymin/services'),
+ '/usr/share/pymin/services',
+# default configuration variables
+# these are useful variables to help the user writing the configuration file
+config_defaults = {
+ 'pymind-data-dir': '/var/lib/pymin',
+ 'pymind-pickle-dir': '/var/lib/pymin/pickle',
+ 'pymind-config-dir': '/var/lib/pymin/config',
+# Validator to check if is a valid Python identifier
+PythonIdentifier = V.Regex(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$')
+options.init('pymind', 'Pymin daemon global options', [
+ Option('bind_addr', V.CIDR, 'a', default='', metavar='ADDR',
+ help='Bind to IP ADDR'),
+ Option('bind_port', V.Int(min=1, max=65535), 'p', default=9999,
+ metavar='PORT', help="Bind to port PORT"),
+ ListOption('services', PythonIdentifier, 's', default=[],
+ metavar='SERVICE', help="manage service SERVICE"),
+ ListOption('services_dirs', V.String, 'd', default=[],
+ metavar='DIR', help="search for services in DIR"),
+ ConfigOption('config_file', 'c', metavar='FILE',
+ help="load the configuration file FILE after the default "
+ "configuration files"),
+ ConfigOption('replace_config_file', 'C', override=True, metavar='FILE',
+ help="don't load the default configuration files, just FILE"),
-def build_root(config):
- # TODO check services dependencies
- services = dict()
- for service in config.services:
- try:
- s = load_service(service, config.services_dirs)
- except LoadError, e:
- log.error("Can't find service called '%s'\n", service)
- sys.exit(EXIT_NO_SERVICE)
- services[service] = s
- root = Root()
- for name, service in services.items():
- setattr(root, name, service.get_service(config))
- return root
except (IOError, OSError), e:
log.warning("Can't set ip_forward: %s", e)
-PyminDaemon(build_root(config), config.bind_addr).run()
+def get_config(paths, version, desc, add_options, defaults):
+ global config_file_paths
+ try:
+ (config, args) = load_config(paths, version, desc, add_options, defaults)
+ except ConfigError, e:
+ log.error(str(e))
+ except MissingSectionHeaderError, e:
+ log.error("%s:%s: missing section header near: %s", e.filename, e.lineno,
+ e.line)
+ except ParsingError, e:
+ for (lineno, line) in e.errors:
+ log.error("%s:%s: invalid syntax near: %s", e.filename, lineno, line)
+ log.error(str(e.errors))
+ except Invalid, e:
+ log.error(str(e.unpack_errors()))
+ except LoadError, e:
+ log.error("service '%s' not found (see option --services-dir)",
+ e.service_name)
+ sys.exit(EXIT_NO_SERVICE)
+ return (config, args)
+class Services:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.services = dict()
+ def add_config_options(self, config, args):
+ for service in config.services:
+ s = load_service(service, config.services_dirs)
+ s.setup_service(options, config)
+ self.services[service] = s
+def build_root(config, args, services):
+ from pymin.dispatcher import Handler
+ class Root(Handler):
+ pass
+ # TODO check services dependencies
+ root = Root()
+ for name, service in services.items():
+ setattr(root, name, service.get_service(config))
+ return root
+def main():
+ services = Services()
+ (config, args) = get_config(config_file_paths, '%prog 0.1',
+ 'Router services administration daemon',
+ services.add_config_options, config_defaults)
+ root_handler = build_root(config, args, services.services)
+ PyminDaemon(root_handler, (config.bind_addr, config.bind_port)).run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()