facil la compilacion. Ahora para compilar :
#> aclocal
#> autoconf
#> automake -a
Solo la primera vez. Luego :
#> ./configure
#> make
-include $(top_srcdir)/examples/Makefile.am_fragment
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+ -DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR=\""$(datadir)"\" \
+ -DPACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR=\""$(prefix)/$(DATADIRNAME)/locale"\" \
+bin_PROGRAMS = drag_and_drop
+drag_and_drop_SOURCES = main.cc \
+ dndwindow.cc \
+ dndwindow.h
+drag_and_drop_LDADD = @PACKAGE_LIBS@
-#Build the executable, but don't install it.
-noinst_PROGRAMS = drag_and_drop
-drag_and_drop_SOURCES = dndwindow.h dndwindow.cc main.cc
--- /dev/null
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(drag_and_drop, 0.1)
+ gtkmm-2.0 >= 2.0.0 )