6 Controller DemoController.
8 CeldasControl : DemoController {
16 obs = new CeldasObstacle .
17 obs init at-location (0,1,10)with-size (20,3,1).
18 obs set-direction at (0,0,1) .
19 obs = new CeldasObstacle.
20 obs init at-location (-25,1,0) with-size (20,3,1).
21 obs set-direction at (0,0,1).
22 obs = new CeldasObstacle.
23 obs init at-location (-10,1,-10) with-size (1,3,20).
24 obs set-direction at (1,0,0).
26 obs = new CeldasObstacle.
27 obs init at-location (-10,1,10) with-size (1,3,20).
28 obs set-direction at (1,0,0).
30 vehicle = new CeldasVehicle.
31 self watch item vehicle.
33 vehicle move to (-20, 0.8, -3).
35 vehicle set-global-velocity to 15.0.